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The product value of electric scrubber

■ Electric Scrubber performance, cost and economic analysis:

◆ Performance features

1, Electric operation, no noise, no exhaust emission.
2, Small volume, flexible turning, easy driving, convenient repair, suitable for majority of artificial cleaning for local use.
3, Good cleaning effect, wash dry the floor, no residual traces of water. The dirty water, mud, sand, suction sewage tank, especially on the oil surface, the floor looks as new after cleaning.
◆ The cost and economic analysis
     1, High cleaning efficiency, driving type ground washing machine, an hour to wash and dry more than 1000 square meters, instead of 20 manual mop. Walk-behind type scrubber, wash 1000 square meters per hour, can replace the 12 artificial.
     2, The use of low cost, just USD 0.5 – USD 1.0 of electric charge per day.
     3, A driving type scrubber, instead of 20 cleaners, half can be retracted machine investment.
        For example: cleaner salary USD 900/person/month
        USD900/person/month x 12 x 2 months = USD 216000

     4, Mechanization exercise good effect, high efficiency, fast speed, good management. It is the inevitable trend of the development of cleaning industry.

公司名称:阿特拉斯实业有限公司 地址:上海市闵行区双柏路1688号
电 话:+86 21 31253993     沪ICP备09050001号 技术支持:嫩竹网